Soñadores trepando nubes

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

I love you's.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

I want you. I want your sleepy confused look when you wake up. I want to be the warmth that fills the space in your bed. I want to be the sheets your fingers crave at night; the blanket that wraps around you all night. I want to drink tea with you, share some records we find. I want to talk about everything in the world newspapers. I want to discuss with you, to be stubborn and quick-witted with you. I want to have differences between us. I want your flaws. All of them. I want go into the deepest corners of your mind and never get bored of you. I want to be surprised by the new all the time. I want to look at you like a movie, a living piece of art; always trying to chase what you crave … and capture you.
— Elay Neal Moses
Increíble, increíble.
Montevideo: te amo y me tenés desde que estoy acá recordando aquella frase que dice que la melancolía es el placer de estar triste. Santiago: sabés qué? te extraño. SI. Quiero mas riesgo. Mundo: qué lindo ser parte tuya, siempre bromeo que quiero conquistarte, te respeto. Universo: conspirá! dale. Estoy preparada.

Este es el estado de una mina en Facebook y, acabo de terminar de ver una película y me encuentro con esto y cuánto te puede identificar algo de alguien que nada tiene que ver contigo? En serio, es impresionante.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013


Moviendo la cintura, girando al entrar.

Direcciones de Calles Que No Existen